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We love helping our patients feel great about their eyes, and are happy to offer functional reconstruction and cosmetic eyelid surgery, Blepharoplasty.

What Is a Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) is a surgical procedure that eases the signs of aging that affect the eyelids. An upper blepharoplasty removes sagging skin from the upper eyelid, whereas a lower blepharoplasty targets fat pads and skin on the lower lid. Patients may have one or the other procedures, or both, depending on their concerns and desired outcome.

Candidates for Blepharoplasty

Men and women who are in good general health and have realistic expectations of what can be achieved are good candidates for this procedure. A thorough consultation and examination can confirm if blepharoplasty is the appropriate method of care.

What Concerns Can Eyelid Surgery Help Treat?

Ultimately, a blepharoplasty treats the signs of aging around the eyes including droopy lids. Performed on the upper eyelids, eyelid surgery can tighten up skin that has become loose and saggy. In some cases, this skin can droop into the field of vision. A lower blepharoplasty on its own, or combined with upper eyelid surgery, minimizes puffiness, dark circles, and wrinkles on the lower eyelid. Patients who undergo an eyelid lift for any of these reasons tend to look years younger and noticeably refreshed compared to their appearance prior to surgery.

Is Anesthesia Used For Blepharoplasty?

A local anesthetic will be used to numb your eyelid, and either oral or IV sedation can help during the blepharoplasty procedure to help patients relax.

Blepharoplasty Procedure

Both upper and lower blepharoplasty surgeries are straightforward and precise.

  • Markings on the eyelid indicate the areas of excess tissue
  • Tissue is removed through small, hidden incisions.
  • In some cases, fat is redistributed to correct puffiness and dark circles.
  • Sutures, dissolvable sutures, or glue are minimally visible.

Does Eyelid Surgery Hurt?

Blepharoplasty involves medications that secure comfort, including local anesthetic and sedatives to calm your nerves. There is an expectation of no pain during or after the procedure.

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Recovery From Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is an outpatient procedure. You will be monitored for a short time in the surgical suite, and then released to recover at home. Some short-term bruising and mild swelling may occur, as well as some tenderness or soreness around the eyes. You may also feel sensitive to light for a short time.

When Can I Resume Normal Activities After My Eyelid Surgery?

Most patients are able to be up and walking or enjoying other light activities the day after surgery. This is ideal, as movement encourages circulation that aides in healing and reduces the risk of blood clots. Generally, patients may return to work (desk job) the next day. However, physical exercise should not resume for 2 to 3 weeks. NO heavy lifting for several weeks.

Will My Stitches Require Removal?

Every situation is different. Sometimes, dissolvable stitches will not need removal unless they fail to dissolve within a period of time. Some surgeries may need sutures, which will require removal after 7-10 days.

Will I Have Scars After My Blepharoplasty?

It is not likely that you will have noticeable scars after surgery. This is because incisions are typically in discreet areas. Incisions are made in the eyes’ natural crease. Incisions for a lower blepharoplasty are made at the lash line, or just inside the lower eyelid

Risks Of Eyelid Surgery

Like any surgery, there is a small risk of infection and scarring. Dryness and irritation to the eyes is another potential side effect from this procedure.

Schedule a Consultation

We would love to discuss what blepharoplasty can do for you. Contact an office near you for a personal consultation. Call 1-855-286-2020 today!


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